Nota de falecimento do Professor Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick

20 de setembro de 2022


O PPGECEM (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática) com muito pesar informa o falecimento do grande ser humano, educador e pesquisador Prof. Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick (University of Georgia, Estados Unidos) ocorrido em 17 de setembro de 2022, aos 86 anos, por complicações relacionadas à doença de Parkinson. Ele nasceu em 21 de setembro de 1935, faria 87 anos nesta quarta-feira. Jeremy, além de um grande educador e pesquisador, mundialmente famoso e tendo recebido inúmeros prêmios, foi também um ser humano extraordinário, tinha um zelo, respeito extraordinário por cada ser humano. Em toda plenitude, no mais alto nível que possamos imaginar, Jeremy foi ao mesmo tempo, um giant ser humano-educador-pesquisador. Nossos sentimentos e força aos seus familiares, amigos, educadores e pesquisadores. Jeremy Kilpatrick 1935-2022 (; ( jeremy-kilpatrick)

Campina Grande-PB, 19 de setembro de 2022


I’ts hard to believe that a human being, professor and researcher as noble, as special, as giant of heart and humanity as Jeremy Kilpatrick is no longer with us in this world. I would like to express my special condolences to the family, friends, students, educators, and researchers. Prof. Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick (University of Georgia, USA) was my Overseas Advisor from May to November 2006, on the occasion of my “Sandwich Doctorate” at the Mathematics Education Program at the University of Georgia. I was always in contact with him during all these years. I always had his encouragement and academic support. Since that time, I have found that professor Kilpatrick is a great example of a mentor, researcher, educator and human being giant. I am very proud to have had the opportunity in my life to have worked with an advisor, researcher, educator and human being like Jeremy Kilpatrick. I had a very intense and fruitful period of guidance and study with him at the University of Georgia. He always gave me as much attention as possible during the period I was with him; he constantly met with me to discuss the data collection and analysis of my PhD research and the work as a whole. With great zeal, he always read and made innumerous and important observations-suggestions about the research material I presented to him, he always was bringing me closer to very fruitful reflections towards the advancement of research, as well as for my human-professional-scientific growth. The University of Georgia, along with the educator, researcher and human been giant Prof. Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick, students, faculty and staff of the Mathematics Education Program has been a highly significant human-academic experience in my life. I would also like to express my gratitude to his wife, Cardee (in memoriam). She was also a really extraordinary human being; she welcomed me with great affection and attention. I will never forget all academic atmosphere, inner peace and well-being that I felt when I was at the University of Georgia, especially the renowned Mathematics Education Department, an environment of much academic effervescence and peace. I will never forget the human-academic affection and respect that I always received from Kilpatrick, a human being-educator-researcher giant. He is altogether the most extraordinary human being-educator-researcher I have ever encountered in this world. He lives on among all of us.

September 19, 2022

Prof. Dr. Silvanio de Andrade, Campina Grande-PB, Brazil
Coordenador do PPGECEM-UEPB e Diretor Regional da SBEM-PB